Platinum Sponsor
The first donor to offer $5,000 or more will receive the Title Sponsorship placement
- Constant social media mention
- Own, branded page on website with company bio
- Link to company website
- Awards Banquet Sponsor
- 5 Window stickers

Gold Sponsor $3,500
- Constant social media attention
- Link to website, logo on website with amount donated listed
- Company mention at awards banquet
- Company mention on prize denomination
- 3 Window stickers

Silver Sponsor $2,500
- Constant social media attention
- Link to website, logo on website
- Company mention on prize denomination
- 2 Window stickers

Bronze Sponsor $1,000
- Constant social media attention
- Link to website, logo on website
- Company mention on prize denomination
- 1 Window sticker
Any individual that supports us with a monetary value under $1,000 will be listed as an Honourable Mention.